Home » Michell Zappa – How Technology Evolution Assessment Works | Launch of the GIZ techDetector technology evolution

Michell Zappa – How Technology Evolution Assessment Works | Launch of the GIZ techDetector technology evolution

Technology significantly affects society and development. Understanding the principles of change is rapidly becoming a fundamental skill. This presentation explains patterns of technological transformation and readiness development.

The Future of Technology for Sustainable Development – Launch of the GIZ techDetector, Oct 22 2019 at Factory Berlin Mitte, Germany

Technological innovation and digitalisation enable comprehensive, transformative change and are key factors for social, economic and organisational change worldwide. In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the use of the potentials of innovative technologies will be of central importance.

The Future of Technology for Sustainable Development offered unique insights and in-depth dialogue on the potential of emerging technologies for sustainable development and hands on experiences of technology innovations.

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Michell Zappa - How Technology Evolution Assessment Works | Launch of the GIZ techDetector

Michell Zappa – How Technology Evolution Assessment Works | Launch of the GIZ techDetector

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Michell Zappa – How Technology Evolution Assessment Works | Launch of the GIZ techDetector
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