Are you looking for an answer to the topic “Meet Jeff Innis Wife Kelly McNee – Children Wedding And Instagram“? We answer all your questions at the website in category: Top 4620 tips from Abettes-culinary update new. You will find the answer right below.
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Jeff Innis was married to his wife Kelly McNee for 13 years. Let’s learn more about the player below!
Jeff Innis was a baseball player.
He pitched all seven seasons in MLB and is also popularly known as the I-Man. He also played for the New York Mets for three years.
After retiring from professional baseball, he moved to Cumming, Georgia. It was reportedly announced in January 2022 that he was dying of cancer and was being treated at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.
The GoFundMe page was created by his family to bring him home to Atlanta to spend his final days. Sadly, the baseball player passed away on January 30th in Dawsonville, Georgia.
Meet Jeff Innis Wife Kelly McNee Wedding
Jeff Innis was married to his wife Kelly McNee. She was an All-America cross-country and indoor track runner in Illinois.
Additionally, the couple were high school sweethearts and they were married on November 21, 1992. They met while they were both studying at the University of Illinois. However, their 13-year marriage came to an end in 2005. Despite their divorce, the couple is still friends.
Together they had two children: Keenan and Shannon. Although they were no longer together, she must be sad to hear the news of Innis death.
Jeff Innis Children
Jeff Innis is survived by his children.
He is the father of a son and a daughter and shares them with his ex-wife. His son Keenan is committed to Georgia Tech. He is also an outfielder and pitcher and throws with the searm. On the other se, his daughter Shannon runs and dances.
Both children mourn their father. They are devastated by the news of his death.
Is Jeff Innis On Instagram?
Jeff Innis does not appear to be active on Instagram.
Not only active on Instagram but also on any other social media platform.
How Old Was Jeff Innis When He passed Away?
Jeff Innis died at the age of 59.
He was born on July 5, 1962 in Decatur, Illinois, USA. Unfortunately, he reportedly died of cancer on January 30, 2022.
The wedding of Rayden \u0026 Cinlly
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Images related to the topicThe wedding of Rayden \u0026 Cinlly
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diff --git a/core/modules/system/system.module b/core/modules/system/system.module index fc6f61c..4dd494e 100644 --- a/core/modules/system/system.module +++ b /core/modules/system/system.module @@ -1750.6 +1750.16 @@ function system_library_info() { ), ); + // Zxcvbn. + $libraries['zxcvbn'] = array( + 'title' => ‘Zxcvbn.js’, + ‘website’ => ‘’, + ‘version’ => ‘ 1.0’, + ‘js’ => array( + ‘core/assets/vendor/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js’ => array(‘group’ => JS_LIBRARY, ‘weight’ => -20), + ), + ) ; + // underscore. $libraries[‘underscore’] = array( ‘title’ => ‘Underscore.js’, diff –git a/core/modules/user/user.js b/core/modules/user/user.js index 7b1ccfa. .3c5a4ae 100644 — a/core/modules/user/user.js +++ b/core/modules/user/user.js @@ -53.11 +53.12 @@ Drupal.behaviors.password = { } // Only show the description field if there is a weakness in the password – passwordDescription.toggle(result.strength !== 100);+ passwordDescription.toggle(result.strength !== 4);- // Adjust the length of the strength indicator + // Adjust the length of the strength indicator, the zxcvbn library + // returns a strength indicator from 0 (weak) to 4 (strong). innerWrapper.find(‘.indicator’) – .css(‘width’, result .Strength + ‘%’) + .css(‘Width’, ((Result.Strength * 20) + 20) + ‘%’) .css(‘BackgroundColor’, Result.IndicatorColor) ; // Update the strength indicator text @@ -87.87 +88.78 @@ Drupal.behaviors.password = { * Returns estimated strength and relevant output message */ Drupal. evaluatePasswordStren gth = function(password, translate) { – var IndicatorText, IndicatorColor, weaknesses = 0, strengths = 100, msg = []; + var indicator text, indicator color, msg = []; var hasLowercase = /[a-z]+/.test(password); var hasUppercase = /[A-Z]+/.test(password); var hasNumbers = /[0-9]+/.test(password); var hasPunctuation = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/.test(password); – // If there is an input field for the username on the page, compare the password with it, otherwise – // use the value from the database. + // If the page has an input field for username, compare password with it, + // otherwise use value from database. var usernameBox = $(‘input.username’); var username = (usernameBox.length > 0) ? usernameBox.val() : translate.username; + var email = $(‘input[name=”mail”], input[name=”account[mail]”]’).val(); – // Lose 5 points for each character under 6, plus 30 point penalty. + // Add some items to the blacklist of available passwords. + var blacklist = [username, email]; + + // Determine the password strength. + var result = zxcvbn(password, blacklist); + + // Give the user some suggestions to make the password stronger. + if (result.match_sequence.length <= 1) { + msg.push(translate.basedOnADictionaryWord); + } + else if (result.match_sequence.length <= 2) { + msg.push(translate.addWords); + } if (password.length <6) {msg.push(translate.tooShort); - strength - = ((6 - password.length) * 5) + 30; } - - // Count weaknesses. if (!hasLowercase) {msg.push(translate.addLowerCase); - Weaknesses++; } if (!hasUppercase) {msg.push(translate.addUpperCase); - Weaknesses++; } if (!hasNumbers) {msg.push(translate.addNumbers); - Weaknesses++; } if (!hasPunctuation) {msg.push(translate.addPunctuation); - Weaknesses++; - } - - // Apply penalty to each weakness (balanced against length penalty). - Switch (Weaknesses) { - Case 1: - Strength -= 12.5; - interruption; - - Case 2: - Strength -= 25; - interruption; - - case 3: - strength -= 40; - interruption; - - Case 4: - Strength -= 40; - interruption; } // Check if the password matches the username. if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === username.toLowerCase()) { msg.push(translate.sameAsUsername); - // Passwords that match the username are always very weak. - Strength = 5; } - // Calculate what text to display from password strength indicator based on strength. - if (strength < 60) { - IndicatorText = translate.weak; - indicator color = '#bb5555'; - } Else if (Strength < 70) { - IndicatorText = translate.fair; - indicator color = '#bbbb55'; - } Else if (Strength < 80) { - IndicatorText = translate.good; - indicator color = '#4863a0'; - } Else if (Strength <= 100) { - IndicatorText = translate.strong; - indicator color = '#47c965'; + // Calculate what text to display from password + // strength meter based on strength. + switch (result.score) { + case 0 : + IndicatorText = translate.weak; + indicator color = '#bb5555'; + break; + Case 1: + IndicatorText = translate.fair; + indicator color = '#bbbb55'; + break; + Case 2: + IndicatorText = translate.good; + indicator color = '#4863a0'; + break; + Case 3: + Case 4: + IndicatorText = translate.strong; + indicator color = '#47c965'; + break; } // Compose the last message. msg = translate.hasWeaknesses + ' ' + msg.join(' ') + ' '; - return { strength: strength, message: msg, IndicatorText: IndicatorText, IndicatorColor: IndicatorColor }; - + return { Strength: result.score, Message: msg, IndicatorText: IndicatorText, IndicatorColor: IndicatorColor }; }; /** diff --git a/core/modules/user/user.module b/core/modules/user/user.module index 88862d5..4bde894 100644 --- a/core/modules/user/user.module + ++ b/core/modules/user/user.module @@ -1712.6 +1712.8 @@ function user_form_process_password_confirm($element) { $password_settings += array( 'strengthTitle' => t(‘Password strength:’ ) , ‘hasWeaknesses’ => t(‘To make your password stronger:’), + ‘basedOnADictionaryWord’ => t(‘The password is not based on a dictionary word’), + ‘addWords’ => t(‘Add words’ ), ‘tooShort’ => t(‘Make at least 6 characters’), ‘addLowerCase’ => t(‘Add lower case’), ‘addUpperCase’ => t(‘Add upper case’), @ @ -1892,6 +1894.7 @@ function user_library_info() { array(‘system’, ‘jquery’), array(‘system’, ‘drupal’), array(‘system’, ‘jquery.once’) , + array(‘ system’, ‘zxcvbn’), ), );
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