Nikos Skotarczak Wikipedia English – Is Gangster Histoire & Storia Real? All Answers

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Nikos Skotarczak was a Polish gangster. Let’s take a look at Nikos Skotarczak’s English Wikipedia page and learn more about him from this article.

Nikodem Skotarczak is the godfather of the Tricity underground and one of Poland’s most powerful gangsters.

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English

Niko Skotarczak is listed on the official Wikipedia page. Nikodem Skotarczak, also known as “Nikos”, was a Polish gangster.

He was born and raised in Pruszcz Gdansk, Poland. He worked as a security guard in the nightclub “Lucynka” in Gdańsk. He was a gardener by trade.

Wiadomo, że Trójmiasto to Mała Sycylia w Polsce. Współpracowali z gangiem wołomińskim. W latach 1989-1992 powstał tam mafijny układ, którego mózgiem byli dawni oficerowie służb specjalnychAmber Gold to nie przypadek.

— Amabeline (@Amabelinka) January 15, 2022

He also worked as a bodyguard in the Maxim restaurant in Gdynia and as a bodyguard for “Patron”, the fence of the third largest city.

He became a money changer in the m-1970s and created the first organized criminal cell, importing stolen vehicles into Poland from Germany and Austria, although the government tried to prove to him that he only fencing twenty cars.

Niko was a sponsor of Lechia Gdansk in the early 1980s and after winning the Polish Cup in the 1982/1983 season, he was awarded the title of Merited Gdańsk by Kazimierz Rynkowski, the city’s present at the time.

In the m-1980s he moved to West Germany, where he continued smuggling stolen cars. Niko lived with his third wife in Hamburg, where he was a co-owner of the company “Skotex” and an electronics store.

Nikos went from Hamburg to Berlin in November 1986, where he was arrested by the police in 1989 while driving a stolen Audi coupe. He was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison and imprisoned in the Berlin-Moabit prison.

Nikoś – anybody z najbardziej znanych gangsterów Trójmiasta – Zobacz jego historię!

— Nasza Historia (@naszahistoria) January 10, 2022

On December 4, 1989, after less than three months in prison, he managed to escape: he swapped clothes with his brother and left the Berlin-Tegel prison in silence during a visit.

Nikos illegally returned to Poland via Austria in the early 1990s. In 1992 he escaped a police ra in Kraków. In July of the same year he escaped from a police convoy in Warsaw. After an arrest warrant was issued for him, he went into hing for several months.

In February 1993 he was arrested in Warsaw’s Oliborz district on suspicion of forging his passport and fleeing a police convoy.

Nikos was sentenced to two years in prison in 1993 and released from prison in February 1994, allegedly for good behavior but in reality for bribes pa to officials by the prison service.

He began investing in respectable interests after regaining his freedom. He was also known to get stolen vehicles back for free.

The criminal prosecution of Nikodem Skotarczak, accused by prosecutors of the prosecutor’s office of leading a criminal cell for car theft, began in October 1996 before the then Regional Court in Gdańsk.

Is Gangster Histoire & Storia Real?

How I Fell in Love with a Gangster is a Polish crime drama about the life of Nikodem “Nikos” Skotarczak. The film attempts to portray the life of the legendary criminal as told by numerous sources based on true stories.

How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained: What Happens To Nikos Skotarczak?

— Digital Mafia Talkies (@DMTalkies) January 13, 2022

How I Fell In Love With A Gangster wanted to be many things but failed to implement any of the novel concepts or techniques.

This film shows the growth of “Nikos” in Poland and its economic expansion, as well as the constant threat of the law. The gangster’s death is mysterious, with numerous interpretations involving several of the crook’s enemies.

Nikos Skotarczak Death: How D He Died?

Nikos Skotarczak died in Gdynia on April 24, 1998.

Two masked men entered the escort agency “Las Vegas” at ul. Chwarznieska 170a in Gdynia at noon on April 24, 1998 and shot Nikos dead.

A mysterious woman tells the story of the rise and fall of Nikodem “Nikoś” Skotarczak, one of the greatest gangsters in Polish history. Inspired by a true story.

@MaciejKawulski’s Polish film #HowIFellInLoveWithAGangster (2022) is now streaming on @NetflixIndia.

— CinemaRare (@CinemaRareIN) January 12, 2022

Prosecutors from the Gdańsk District Prosecutor’s Office conducted an investigation that yielded no results.

Nikodem Skotarczak’s death may have been caused by his fight with members of the Pruszków group, as key witness Jaroslaw Sokolow, aka “Masa”, confirms in his testimony.

Netflix How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained

Netflix How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained
Netflix How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained

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Netflix How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained
Netflix How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained

See some more details on the topic Nikos Skotarczak Wikipedia English – Is Gangster Histoire & Storia Real here:

Nikos Skotarczak Wikipedia English – Is Gangster Histoire …

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English. Niko Skotarczak is listed on the Wikipedia official page. Nikodem Skotarczak, also known as “Nikos, was a Polish gangster. He …

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Nikodem Skotarczak – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

„Nikoś” (ur. 29 czerwca 1954 w Gdańsku, zm. 24 kwietnia 1998 w Gdyni) – polski gangster. Nikodem Skotarczak. Nikoś …

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Nikos Skotarczak Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age … – Sleek Gist

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English Niko Skotarczak is recorded on the Wikipedia official page. Nikodem Skotarczak, otherwise called “Nikos, …

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Nikos Skotarczak Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Birthday …

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English Niko Skotarczak is recorded on the … ‘How I Fell in Love with a Gangster’ Ends Defined: What Occurs to …

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Nikodem Skotarczak – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Nikodem Skotarczak, Ps. “Nikoś” (ur. 29 czerwca 1954 w Gdańsku, zm. 24 kwietnia 1998 w Gdyni) – Polish gangster.

Urodził się i dorastał w Pruszczu Gdańskim. Pracował w Gdańsku jako ochroniarz w nocnym club “Lucynka”. Z wykształcenia był ogrodnikiem[1]. Był także ochroniarzem “Mecenasa” – największego pasera z Trójmiasta.

W połowie lat 70. stał się cinkciarzem oraz założył pierwszą zorganizowaną group przestępczą zajmującą się przemytem kradzionych samochodów z Niemiec i Austrii do Polski, ale oficjalnie próbowano udowodnić led paserstwo.

Na początku lat 80. był sponsorem Lechii Gdańsk, a po zdobyciu przez nią Pucharu Polski w sezonie 1982/1983, otrzymał z rąk Kazimierza Rynkowskiego, ówczesnego prezydenta miasta, tytuł “Zasłużonego dla Gdańska”. W połowie lat 80. wyemigrował do Niemiec Zachodnich, skąd nadal kierował przemytem kradzionych samochodów. Mieszkał z trzecią żoną in Hamburgu, gdzie był współwłaścicielem firmy “Skotex” oraz sklepu z elektroniką. W listopadzie 1986 przeniósł się z Hamburga do Berlina, gdzie w 1989 został zatrzymany przez policjantów podczas jazdy kradzionym samochodem marki Audi Coupé. Został za to skazany na karę 1 roku i 9 miesięcy pozbawienia wolności i został osadzony w więzieniu Moabit w Berlinie. 4 grudnia 1989, po niecałych trzech miesiącach odbywania kary, uciekł: podczas widzenia w zakładzie karnym Berlin-Tegel zamienił się ubraniami ze swoim bratem i spokojnie wyszedł.

Na początku lat 90. powrócił do Polski nielegalnie przez Austrię. W 1992 w Cracow wymknął się z policyjnej obławy. W lipcu tego samego roku uciekł z policyjnego konwoju w Warszawie. Poszukiwany na podstawie listu gończego, przez kilka miesięcy ukrywał się. Został zatrzymany w lutym 1993 na Żoliborzu w Warszawie, pod zarzutem posługiwania się fałszywym paszportem i ucieczki z policyjnego konwoju. W 1993 roku został skazany na karę dwóch lat pozbawienia wolności. Zakład karny opuścił w lutym 1994 – oficjalnie za dobre splawowanie, a w rzeczywistości dzięki łapówkom wręczanym funkcjonariuszom Służby Więziennej[1].

Po odzyskaniu wolności zaczął inwestować w legalne interest. Był też znany z tego, iż należące do znanych osób ukradzione samochody odzyskiwał za darmo. W październiku 1996 w ówczesnym Sądzie Wojewódzkim w Gdańsku rozpoczął się processes w sprawie Skotarczaka, oskarżanego przez śledczych z prokuratury o kierowanie grupą przestępczą zajmującą się kradzieżami samochodów.

W 1997 wystąpił w filmie pt. Sztos, debiucie reżyserskim Olafa Lubaszenki; zagrał w tym filmie rolę epizodyczną jako mężczyzna witający się z Erykiem (granym przez Jana Nowickiego)[2].

Strzelanina w agencji towarzyskiej w Gdyni [edytuj | edytuj kod ]

Grob Nikodema Skotarczaka

Został zastrzelony 24 Kwietnia 1998, gdy około południa do agencji towarzyskiej “Las Vegas” mieszczącej się przy ul. Chwarznieńskiej 170a w Gdyni weszło dwóch zamaskowanych mężczyzn. Every z not strzałami z malej odległości zabił Nikodema Skotarczaka i rykoszetem zranił jego przyjaciela Wojciecha K., ps. “Kura”. W agencji przebywały także żony “Nicosia” i “Kury”[3]. Śledztwo prowadzone przez prokuratorów z Prokuratury Okręgowej w Gdańsku never przyniosło rezultatów. Zabójcy, ani ewentualnych zleceniodawców, never schwytano. Postępowanie umorzono. Śmierć Nikodema Skotarczaka mogła być też efektem jego kampfu z członkami grupy pruszkowskiej, co potwierdzał w swoich zeznaniach świadek koronny Jarosław Sokołowski, pseudonym “Masa”[1]. Według innej teorii zleceniodawcą był gdańszczanin Daniel Zacharzewski, ps. “Zachar”[4].

W sprawie zabójstwa Skotarczaka, jako zleceniodawca, sądzony był także Krzysztof Jędrzejczak z łódzkiej “ośmiornicy”. Postępowanie umorzono jednak z powodu “rażących uchybień”, a process ruszył ponownie w 2010. “Nikoś” został pochowany na cmentarzu Srebrzysko w Gdańsku[5] (rejon I, polana I)[6].

W 1996 powstał dokumentalny film telewizyjny Kraina złudzeń w reżyserii Wojciecha Szumowskiego, opowiadający o “Nikosiu”[7].

W 2021 powstał film fabularny w reżyserii Macieja Kawulskiego Jak pokochałam gangstera, inspired życiorysem “Nikosia”[8].

Rixdorf, Werner: The stone face: The godfather of Danzig Nikodem Skotarczak (Kamienna twarz: ojciec chrzestny z Gdańska Nikodem Skotarczak), Karin Kramer Verlag Berlin 1993, 167 s., ISBN 3-87956-117-6.

(Kamienna twarz: ojciec chrzestny z Gdańska Nikodem Skotarczak), Karin Kramer Verlag Berlin 1993, 167 pp., ISBN . Zadworny, Adam: Antyballada o Nikosiu, [w:] Gazeta Wyborcza 11.07.2005 [1]

Nikos Skotarczak Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Birthday, Wikipedia, Who, Nationality, Biography

Nikodem Skotarczak is the adoptive parent of the Tricity underground and one of Poland’s most notable criminals.

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English Niko Skotarczak is listed on the official Wikipedia page. Nikodem Skotarczak, also known as “Nikos”, was a Polish crook.

He was born and raised in Pruszcz Gdansk, Poland. He stepped in as a security officer at the “Lucynka” club in Gdansk. Through his vocation he became a landscape gardener.

He also acted as a protector in Maxim’s restaurant in Gdynia and as a guard for “benefactors”, the fence of the third largest city.

He became a moneymaker in the 1970s and made the main organized crime cell to import stolen cars from Germany and Austria into Poland, despite government efforts to show him only twenty cars were made.

Niko was a Lechia Gdansk fan in the mid-1980s and after winning the Polish Cup in the 1982/1983 season he was awarded the title of ‘Worthy for Gdańsk’ by Kazimierz Rynkowski, the city’s president at the time.

How I Fell In Love With A Gangster Ending Explained: What Happens To Nikos Skotarczak? – Digital Mafia Talkies (@DMTalkies) January 13, 2022

He moved to West Germany in the 1980s, where he continued pirating stolen vehicles. Niko lived with his third wife in Hamburg, where he co-owned the company “Skotex” and a gadget store.

Nikos went from Hamburg to Berlin in November 1986, where he was arrested by the police in 1989 with a stolen Audi Coupé. He was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison and imprisoned in the Berlin-Moabit prison.

On December 4, 1989, he escaped after less than 90 days in prison: he changed clothes with his brother and secretly left the Berlin-Tegel prison during a visit.

Nikos illegally returned to Poland via Austria in the mid-1990s. In 1992 he figured out how to avoid a police strike in Kraków. In July of the same year, he evaded a police caravan in Warsaw. He remained withdrawn from everything for a considerable time after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

In February 1993 he was caught in the Oliborz district of Warsaw because he doubted that he had obtained a visa and escaped from a police caravan.

Nikos was sentenced to two years in prison in 1993 and then released from prison in February 1994, apparently on charges of appropriate behavior but actually on charges of the prison service paying officers.

He began to pour resources into decent interests after taking his chance. He was also known for recovering stolen vehicles for free.

The indictment against Nikodem Skotarczak, who was accused by experts of the Investigative Bureau of coordinating a criminal cell managing a car robbery, began in October 1996 before the then Regional Court in Gdańsk.

Wiadomo, że Trójmiasto to Mała Sycylia w Polsce.

Współpracowali z gangiem wołomińskim.

W latach 1989-1992 powstał tam mafijny układ, którego mózgiem byli dawni oficerowie służb specjalnych

Amber gold too never przypadek. – Amabeline (@Amabelinka) January 15, 2022

Is Gangster Histoire und Storia real? The Polish crime series “How I Fell in Love with a Gangster” describes the existence of Nikodem “Nikos” Skotarczak. The film attempts to portray the incredible criminal’s existence as told by various sources in the light of real stories.

How I Fell In Love With A Gangster wanted to be many things but neglected to implement the original ideas or strategies.

This film depicts the development of “Nikos” in Poland and its financial expansion as well as the unstoppable danger of the law. The criminal’s death is dealt with in secret, with various collusion including some of the gangster’s enemies.

Nikos Skotarczak death: how did he die? Nikos Skotarczak died in Gdynia on April 24, 1998.

Two veiled men entered the Las Vegas escort organization at 170a Chwarznieska Street in Gdynia in the early afternoon of April 24, 1998 and shot Nikos dead.

Examiners from the Gdańsk District Prosecutor’s Office conducted an inconclusive examination.

Nikodem Skotarczak’s death may have been caused by his fight with individuals from Pruszków’s group, a Crown observer, Jaroslaw Sokolow, nicknamed “Masa”, confirmed in his statement.

Nikos Skotarczak Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Birthday, Wikipedia, Who, Nationality, Biography – –


Nikodem Skotarczak is the underground adoptive father or mother of Tricity and is considered one of Poland’s most notable criminals.

Niko Skotarczak Wikipedia English Niko Skotarczak is listed on the official Wikipedia website. Nikodem Skotarczak, otherwise often called “Nikos”, was a Polish outlaw.

He was born and raised in Pruszcz Gdansk, Poland. He worked as a security officer at the Lusinka membership in Gdańsk. He was a landowner.

He also stuffed the fence of the third largest metropolis, as a guard at Maxim’s restaurant in Gdynia and as a protector of the “beneficiary”.

He turned into a money transformer in the 1970s, designing the main coordinated prison cell for importing cars shipped into Poland from Germany and Austria, even when the administration tried to portray him as a barricade. did, only twenty cars were built.

Niko was a Lechia Gdansk fan in the mid-1980s, and after winning the Polish Cup in the 1982/1983 season, he was awarded the title ‘deserved for Gdansk’ by then mayor Kazimierz Rinkowski.

The end of “How I Fell in Love with a Gangster” is certain: what happens to Nikos Skotzarcz? – Digital Mafia Talkies (@DMTalkies) January 13, 2022

He moved to West Germany in the 1980s, where he continued to steal the cars he had looted. Nico lived with his third spouse in Hamburg, where he ran the agency “Scotex” and an equipment dealer.

Nikos moved from Hamburg to Berlin in November 1986, where he was rescued by police in 1989 while driving an Audi coupe. For this he was sentenced to at least one year and 9 months in prison and housed in the Berlin-Moabit prison.

On December 4, 1989, he managed to escape after less than 90 days in prison: together with his brother, he altered clothing and secretly escaped from Berlin-Tegel prison while he was serving his sentence.

Nikos illegally returned to Poland via Austria in the mid-1990s. In 1992 he discovered methods to prevent a police strike in Kraków. In July of the same year he escaped from a police caravan in Warsaw. After the writ of possession was issued against him, he was cut off from every little thing for a very long time.

In February 1993 he was apprehended in the Oliborz area of ​​Warsaw on suspicion of issuing a visa and escaping a police caravan.

Nikos was sentenced to 2 years in prison in 1993 and later released from prison in February 1994, apparently for correct behavior but actually to be paid by prison service to the authorities.

Using his alternative, he began channeling the sources for good causes. He was also known for fixing cars that were taken for free.

The prosecution against Nikodem Skótarzak, accused by Examiner’s Workplace analysts of coordinating a car theft from the prison cell administration, began in October 1996 before the then District Court of Gdańsk.

Viadomo, e Trojmisto to Mala Sicilia with Polese.

Współpracowali z Gangiem wołomińskim.

W latach 1989-1992 powstał tam mafijny układ, którego mozgiem byli doni oficerowie służb specjalnych

Amber Gold to Knee Prizipa Deck. — amabelin (@Amabelinka) January 15, 2022

Is gangster historical past and history current? Polish prison film How I Fell in Love with a Gangster reveals the existence of Nicodem “Nikos” Skótarzak. The film shows the existence of the unreliable prison as reported by numerous sources as part of actual stories.

How I fell in love with a gangster had to be many things, but it was unconcerned to observe any unique thoughts or techniques.

The film portrays the event of “Nikos” in Poland and its monetary expansion because of the fixed threat of laws. The sinking of the prison is covered in secret with numerous understatements and some of the gangster’s enemies.

Nikos Skrotarzak dies: how did he die? Nikos Skotarzak died on April 24, 1998 in Gdynia.

Two masked men entered the Las Vegas escort outfit at ul. Chwarzynieska 170a in Gdynia on the afternoon of April 24, 1998 and shot Nikos dead.

The examiners of the Gdańsk District Prosecutor’s Office ordered an examination, which led to no result.

Nicodem Skótarzak’s death may have been due to his fight with people from the Przko group, as confirmed in his statement by a Crown Warden, Jaroslav Sokoo, nicknamed “Masa”.

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